Supportive crits for contemporary artists

Peer Sessions is a London-based crit group founded in 2009 by artists Kate Pickering and Charlotte Warne Thomas, after graduating from Goldsmiths MFA. For fifteen years we have provided regular inclusive and supportive crit sessions for contemporary artists, offering a safe place to discuss postgraduate level art. As experienced artists and educators, we use our unique approach to facilitate the generation of constructive feedback and engage with current concerns in art and society.

After over a decade of running monthly Peer Sessions crits for artists on a voluntary basis, we have branched out into working with partner organisations, including Chisenhale Gallery and Artquest. Alongside our crits, we have also generated a number of projects, including exhibitions funded by Arts Council England. These projects, born out of the Peer Sessions ethos of peer-led support, involved commissioning artists we've worked with to produce ambitious new work using collaborative methodologies. In 2014, Who Thinks the Future?, an exhibition based on a series of workshops, was shortlisted for the Workweek prize for innovative exhibition practice. In 2016 Peer Sessions was granted funding for a collaborative project which commissioned pairs of artists to create innovative works in time-based media. The completed commissions were presented at the exhibition Future Refrains, and the performance day Collaboration in Question, at ASC Gallery in September 2017.

To date, we have worked with numerous partners and venues in London including Chisenhale Gallery, Artquest, Studio Voltaire Associates, South Kiosk, Enclave Projects, AltMFA, Guest Projects, Deptford X, ASC Gallery, Lewisham ArtHouse, Art Licks Weekend, Cass Arts and Banner Repeater, plus Focal Point Gallery (Southend), Channel Sundays (Hamburg, DE) and Goldsmiths Careers Service.

Feedback from Presenting Artists:

“Just wanted to say thanks so much for Peer Session last night - we remarked how unusual it is to benefit from such close and constructive scrutiny of work outside/beyond the college setup, i.e. out there in the real world! Peer Sessions is a generous idea, thoughtfully executed.”

“It was so valuable to have a group of people spend time with my work in such a considered way. Thank you Kate and Charlotte for creating an open and supportive space to allow these conversations to happen and Edwin for introducing new ways of looking at the work. The group’s comments have offered some fresh perspectives that have helped me consider how I might develop the work. I felt great leaving Chisenhale on Saturday afternoon!”

“Kate/Charlotte/Seth and everyone else who put unseen work in planning the critique- thank you, it far exceeded my expectations. It meant a lot to feel my work was literally and metaphorically seen…I'll definitely encourage any artists I know to keep in eye on your future circles!”

“Been thinking about this (peer sessions - not specifically the works, though those also) since I left. It’s an incredible thing you guys have created/ mastered, and so simple. The effect is kind of uncanny to see works in such a defined and yet undefined space. To talk about the work without it being explained - with the artist present. I've so enjoyed both being an artist in the space and an attendee - Thanks so much!”

“Thank you to everyone... people's comments were very well engaged with the work and will prove extremely useful to me."

“I just wanted to thank you for last night’s session. I really respect your model and can see how it can nourish artists.”

“Thanks so much for the great Peer Session. It's helped me step back a bit from the work (which I really needed) and consider the structure more. Thanks for bringing the equipment and booking the room. I think Peer Sessions is fantastic. Congratulations... it's an impressive feat!"

“Thank you all for the crit - it was wonderful!! Very inspiring, galvanising and encouraging!"

“A really inspiring Peer Session tonight, really helpful feedback on work that I was not at all sure about and now feel very happy with. Thanks Kate Pickering and Charlotte Warne Thomas for organising and everyone else who came."

How Peer Sessions Work

Sessions are always free to attend and all practicing artists, curators and other arts professionals are welcome.

Each Peer Sessions crit is facilitated by either Charlotte and Kate. The presenting artist initially provides relevant practical details (e.g. title, media) about their work, and then remains silent so they can listen to the feedback generated during the chaired discussion. This allows the group to come to their own conclusions without the artist leading interpretations of the work. Charlotte and Kate, who have both undertaken training in mentoring and moderating, guide the discussion via a series of questions, ensuring that artists receive supportive and productive feedback, fostering an inclusive, neutral and anti-hierarchical environment, where everyone's contribution is valued. Typically, two artists show work, with each discussion lasting 50-60 minutes.

More than 150 artists have presented work for discussion at our sessions, with practices ranging from curatorial and publishing projects to live performance, installation, video and painting. We ask that all artists wishing to present work attend at least one Peer Session before expressing an interest (contact us on email or socials). Please note, some of our sessions for host organisations have limited capacity or are invite only - check the website for details.

We strive to be aware of and encourage justice within an unequal and exploitative art world. In the interests of transparency we are two white, female, cis women, disabled and non-disabled. We both use pronouns she/her/hers and are members of Artists' Union England.