Peer Sessions No. 99 @ Artquest Salon ONLINE (Painting Salon)
Tony Linde // Laura Moreton Griffiths
6.30-9.30pm Thurs 16th Mar 2023
Artquest Salon combines ongoing peer-to-peer feedback on artists' work and presentations by art world professionals. The Painting Salon is for artists working with painting, either in a traditional sense or those considering the boundaries of the medium in today’s context.
The painting salon included a presentation from Peer Sessions about their unique crit methods. Peer Sessions then facilitated two feedback discussions.
Tony Linde showed two paintings; Faces VI and Faces I, both 2022; Oil on canvas, 46 x 46cm. Respondents initially identifyed complimentary colours and expressive brush strokes on the two characters in Faces VI. There was discussion about the mask-like quality of the faces due to the hollow eyes and mouth, and whether they were facing into the sun becuase of their squinting eyes and yellow colour.
Faces I also featured two faces, which were identified as having the look of German expressionism. The relationship between the pairs in each image was ambiguous, with several respondents wondering if they depicted intimate relationships, eg father and son.
Laura Moreton Griffiths showed several images from an on going work in progress, The Adventures of Gas Hood, including images of performances and a watercolour. The conversation initially revolved around the image of the gas hood, and what it was. It was seen by some as a kind of cute and inquisitive puppet character, but there was uncertainty over whether it was an active or passive subject. Once it was identified as an early gas mask from WW1, a contrasting interpretation was suggested that it might refer to the climate crisis and air pollution.
More about the artists
Tony Linde is an Australian who retired from a career in IT in 2009. He has no formal art training bar a recent Foundation course but has acquired skills on short courses and knowledge of artists' works from books. He spent a number of years as a printmaker and had a studio at Leicester Print Workshop but, since moving to a home studio, has focussed on painting, mainly in oils. He completed an MA in Philosophy with the Open University in 2006 and this reflects his core interest in ideas, particularly those relating to self and mind. His current work develops ways in which the act of painting can work as a mode of exploring such ideas.
Laura Moreton-Griffiths is an artist, writer and curator working in London. She works through performance, drawing, painting, film, installation, sculpture, print and text. Approaching each work as a painter, over the past few years she chose not to paint, however, coming full circle, painting is historically necessary, now. Since 2017 she focused on writing speculative fictions, making costumes and props, working with simple interactivity, working out ways to create immersive visual storytelling events.