Mimesis; Narrative; Against hegemony!
An exhibition celebrating 10 years of Peer Sessions
25th Jan – 16th Feb 2019
APT Gallery
6 Creekside
London SE8 4SA
As part of the APTShots programme, APT Gallery invited Peer Sessions to curate an exhibition of artists from their archive, selected by Ian Gonczarow, director Painting at the End of the World and co-curated by Peer Sessions.
Dave Charlesworth / / Ben Cove / / Merike Estna / / Justin Gainan / / Katie Goodwin / / Catherine Hughes / / Trevor Kiernander / / Alia Pathan / / Emily Rosamond / / Lisa Selby/bluebaglife / / Systems House / / Ross Taylor / / Annabel Tilley / / Monica Ursina Jäger / / Will Webster / / Poppy Whatmore / / Madalina Zaharia
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