Peer Sessions # 84
Julia Warr // Luis I Rodriguez
7pm Mon 16th July 2018
Deptford X Event Space, Deptford, London
Julia Warr presented 5 paintings collectively titled Anthea is a Peach (ALL 2018). We discussed the paintings' concern with the nature of images and the ability of painting in general to render image rather than reality. The works appeared to use two different registers or planes to complicate the content of the paintings; a landscape over a grid became different figures, perhaps dancing, perhaps totems, perhaps trees. The underlying grid might be a nod to digital space, but could equally reference tiles or the square of gridded paper.
Luis I Rodriguez showed 3 video works; the overal title of which was I’m not going; it has three “episodes"; Things could only get better; Love Eu; and You’re gonna love me (all 2017-18). Luis set up a tangential relationship between the space of the iphone screen, his performing body and the two screens he faced, one providing a song which he sang along to, the other collaging or editing together current politicians, memorable current affairs images or familiar news imagery. The sideways relationship of this performance to the content on the screens opened up a space that was both implicitly satirical but also spoke to hope in the gusto with which the performing body gave voice, cutting across the malaise or despair of the body that is disempowered or detached from power.

More about the artists
Julia Warr, BA Visual Art 1999, Goldsmiths College, is exploring relationships in color, on canvas. Using a combination of poured and painted figures and environments, often repeated, Warr constructs a subterfuge, in an attempt to both control and explore the disconnect between fiction and reality through a multitude of colour relationships.
Luis I Rodriguez broadcasts LuisTV live, reading, chatting, singing, dancing, cooking, teaching. You can support the artist through DineLuis, ShowLuis, TripLuis, HuisLuis, TrainLuis, experiencing his work whilst variously feeding, housing, teaching or taking him on holiday or to exhibitions.