Peer Sessions # 74
Peter Ainsworth // Richard Kolker
7pm Wed 15th Feb 2017
Space Studios, Hackney Wick
Peter Ainsworth showed After Flames of Fire Tottenham (2016), consisting of 32 wall-mounted B&W photographs, 5 sculptural pieces, 2 videos and a further sculpture. Themes of transformation were discussed, in terms of wood turning to charcoal, and photographs being developed in the darkroom.
Richard Kolker showed How We Evolved from Lego, a wall-mounted installation of various types of photographic prints. The relationships between analogue and digital and “real” vs unreal - or hyperreal - were discussed, with reference to Mark Leckey's term “flip-flopping”, and Baudrillard's seminal text Simularca and Simulation. The discussion also raised the idea of the composition as a universe (emphasised by the constellation hang), with reference to the title - as Lego is used by children to build a universe.