Peer Sessions # 61 

Anita Delaney // Poppy Whatmore

7pm Wed Jan 20th 2016

Studio Voltaire, Clapham, London


Anita Delaney showed a film titled The Cusp of your Credenza, (10:27) which was semi-narrative and raised discussion of the use of simularca in film or theatre sets. The affected delivery of the pieces to camera was discussed in terms of the contemporary notion of “truth" or “being real", in an age of social media and digital immediacy.

Poppy Whatmore presented a sculptural installation titled Section of Stored Memory which the form of a partially deconstructed shed, in which the audience were invited to enter and walk around. The work also featured textile elements, and the discussion revolved around notions of domesticity and “feminine" artforms, and the idea of homeliness related to Freud's uncanny (the “unheimlich" literally “unhomely").

More about the artists

Anita Delaney

Poppy Whatmore


Peer Sessions # 62


Peer Sessions # 60